Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your Top Ten Excuses For Not Memorizing A Book Of The Bible

1. I don’t have a good memory.
- You have a better memory than you think you do. Think of all the numbers and names you know.

2. It will take up too much time; I am too busy.
- This is the most efficient use of your time. It will bless you in everything you do. Invest your life in the Word of God.

3. I am too lazy, and it’s hard work.
- The secret to memorization is repetition over time. Repeat, and repeat, and repeat over months. It is hard work, but it is worth doing.

4. I am not very interested; it seems boring.
- Could the word of God really be boring to you if you are justified by faith? You haven’t seen the glories of the word of God.

5. I have tried it before, and it never really worked.
- Try it again.

6. I don’t see the benefit of working that hard.
- I have given you numerous benefits.

7. I read the Bible everyday; why do I need to memorize it?
- Satan isn’t going to wait for you to get your Bible before he tempts you.

8. I don’t know what translation to use.
- Use any reputable translation. I use the NIV, but any reputable one would work.

9. I might become prideful.
- No, you will become prideful, so memorize verses on pride to humble you.

10. I don’t know how to do it.
- It is simply repetition over time.

The word of God is living and active. If I could have one sin out of my life, it would be pride. That self-focus and selfishness, I would love to have it out. Those who walk in pride, God is able to humble (Dan. 4). Is it a warning? Yes. Is it a promise? Yes. Store up the word of God in your hearts, and in the judgment day, you will not be disappointed.

Yesterday, I started my journey to memorize Philippians. I've never memorized a whole book of the Bible so I am very excited for the blessings that are going to pour out because of this. Yes God PROMISES blessings for those who memorize His word! For example - Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way PROSPEROUS and then you will have GOOD SUCCESS." and then again in 1 Timothy 3:16,17 "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be COMPETENT, EQUIPPED for EVERY good work." Gods word will NOT return void! So gear up! Put on the FULL armor of God. There is a battle raging all around us and we WILL fall if we are not prepared. Don't think that reading your bible or going to church once a week will save you. God gave us His only Son and His life for us. Do we not owe Him an hour of our time everyday to be with Him? STOP making excuses TODAY. Its either eternal LIFE or eternal DAMNATION. And its your choice. Gods got His arms open wide, but its going to take you running to them. He's not going to do everything for you, you're not a robot. Remember the sacrifice that was made for you and a little bit of your time will seem like nothing. In fact all your efforts will become as "filth" (Philippians 3:8) compared to gaining what we have in Christ. Memorizing scripture will not save you... even Satan could quote scripture. But it will help protect you when he comes around. So prepare for battle now!
You can do all things through Him who strengthens you!

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